Sunday, June 7, 2009

so Hunter decided to learn how to walk. I came home from school thursday night and Hunter was up to trouble with daddy and grandma. Heres a video!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

cute pics from the past weeks

hunter discovered the radio and the cd scared him! Cute pic!
adorable!! this is before the hair cut! love the hair?

swimming with daddy!

going up!

my spiderman!! i love this shirt my bff got it fo r hunter for his birthday! the trunks are spiderman too!

daddy made spaghetti and him and hunter ate with out me and made a huge mess! but its hunters favorite food!

new hair cut!! so cute. its short in the back and on the sides but still spiky on the top!

Hunter didnt like getting his hair cut. I think it scared him. The place was really cool though. its called cookie cutters and when u get there the kid can pick out a movie to watch and the chairs they sit in are trunks and planes and cars. He "watched" horton hears a who" and sat in the fire truck!

birthday party

hunters favorite toy is the airplane!

playing with friends

cake time!!

spiderman cake!


I cant seem to find the other pictures of the animals. The aquarium was small but there was a cool octopus and some jelly fish.

crazy weeks

so the past few weeks have been crazy, busy, and fun. karissa and hailey came to visit for a few days we went the the aquarium, got the kids pictures taken (previous blog) and took a trip to provo. it was so fun to see karissa and hang out, i wish she lived closer! Hunter turned a year old we had a big party like 40 people and jon and his brother jared cooked hamburgers and hotdogs on are new grill/smoker and the food turned out great, hunter was a little over whelmed with all the people there but id say it was a success!! Jon and I took Hunter for his first haircut, I almost cried (for real) and now his hair is cut and short the lady who cut it said "now he looks like a rock star instead of a hippee" I guess his hair was a little long and shaggy. Jon and I took hunter swimming again and he loved it! Yesterday I took hunter to the doctors for his 1 year old visit and shots. The doctor basically told me hes to small and I shouldnt be nursing my kid anymore. I was so offended, yes he is small but its not my fault and i DO feed him food, and i can nurse him if i want. So we have to start fortifying his food because he needs more calories. Hes 18 pds and in the 2nd percentile. I will post pictures!